Saturday, December 22, 2012

Kim chi bitches

Ok so let me start this entry off with a little fact about myself. I am a VERY firm believer that the best Kim chi is made by little old ass Korean ladies. Now I say that with the utmost respect and love. Kim chi is alive its cultured and when someone with many years of fermented goodness under there belt the Kim chi responds and blooms to its full potential. My Korean friend we will call her Yeojin Park (originally from New Jersey but now residing in the PDX) thinks I am a little crazy.
I am.
But I also love a good challenge. So I decided to start making myself into a little old Korean lady so some day I can make some bomb ass Kim chi like the little ladies with wrinkly hands at the H mart.

Step one torture my Korean friend for safely guarded Kim chi recipe:

Collect ingredients
Follow instructions
Check mostly

And now
For my final result

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