before the mason jar there was,
the clay pot!!!
this tool is like the culinary equivalent to the wheel. man can now store foods.
the home fermenting process is a a scientific and fun adventure. as we all know all you really need to ferment is a quite spot and some good bacteria and yeasts (and probably some cheese cloth). in recent years i have become interested in primitive and mid-evil cookery. this in combination with my fermentation fever led me down this road:
home fermenting has several options for vessels:
for small amounts: the mason jar, a six or third pan.
for medium : 1/2 pan or hotel pan
large: large non reactive pots.
and then i started to think about kim chi and the large clay pots they used. and in that moment (with the help of the internet) i realized that the clay pot was my answer. and apparently i was the last freakin person in the world to realize this.
so where do i get one of these beautiful vessels??
the internet say: $150-300 etsy, or ebay
my vegan friend says: fuck the pot
i say: i bet i can make one of those.
i have among my art talents the skills necessary to make one if you also do you can rent a wheel and studio time for as little as $8 an hr an kiln space for .03 cents a cubic inch here at:
if you do not have this skill set find a friend that does and have a little fun (i bet you can pay them in beer) or buy one of the beautiful pots off an artist online and support an artist.
either way lets all get our lacto-fermentation on baby.
till next time
god speed space man
Falcon Archer